Follow the steps below to automate the test cases.
Create a Service Now Instance and start Practice
The tutorial isn't enough! Selenium Practice Site | Test Automation
I strongly believe a tutorial isn't enough to learn anything, you need to practice to become a pro in it. I am providing you an application to do the practice and to enhance your confidence in coding.
Login Positive & Negative
Login Positive
Navigate to your ServiceNow instance
Verify title is ServiceNow
Verify username text field has label of User name
Enter username (admin)
Verify password text field has label of Password
Enter password (instance password)
Verify language dropdown has label of Language
Verify language is selected as English by default
Verify forgot password is visible to the user
Verify user can see the login button
As user clicks on the login button
Verify the title as ServiceNow
Login Negative
Navigate to your ServiceNow instance
Verify title is ServiceNow
User clicks on the login button
Verify the error message as Invalid input in user name!
Enter the username as admin
User clicks on the login button
Verify the error message contains User name or password invalid
Forgot Password
Forgot Password Flow
Navigate to the ServiceNow instance
User should see the forgot password
Click the forgot password
User should see three tabs as Identify, Verify & Reset
User should see the username label and text field
User should see the next button
Enter the username as admin
Click on the next button
User should see the Request in progress popup
User should see the Email field and email text box
Create Incident
Incident Creation
Navigate to the ServiceNow instance
Login to the application
User should see the filter navigator text box
Type incident in the navigator text box
User should see the Create New
Click on the Create New
Verify the Number text box has already an incident number
Incident number should start with INC
Save the incident number to use later
Fill only the mandatory field
Click on the search icon
User should see the new window
User should see the search field
Type Abel Tuter in the search field
Click on the Abel Tuter from the search results
Popup should be closed
Enter the short description (some random text)
Click on the submit button
User should create an Incident
Confirm an incident is created
User should see the search field
Search with the incident number (data from step 9)
Short description should be visible with the data passed in step 11
Verify the title contains Incidents
Logout the application
Computer Database
Database Interaction
Navigate to Computer Database
Verify the title as Computers database
Verify the page header is the same as the page title
User must see the filter by computer name text box
User should see "Add a new computer" button
User should see the filter by name button
User should see the table and the headers: Computer name, Introduced, Discontinued, Company
The user should see the pagination
Click on "Create this computer"
User should see the red background on the computer name field
Enter the computer name
Select the company as Nokia
Submit the form
Successful message should be displayed
Search the created data
Result should be visible (defect)
Sauce Demo
E-commerce Workflow
Navigate to Saucedemo
Verify the title as Swag Labs
Verify the login button text is capitalized
Login with standard_user & secret_sauce
Verify default filter dropdown is A-Z
Add the first product to the cart
Verify the cart badge has 1 product
Add the last product to the cart
Verify the cart badge value is increased
Remove the first product from the cart
Verify the cart badge has 1 product
Click on the cart 🛒
Verify the added product is available
Click on the continue shopping
Change the price filter from low to high
Verify the price sorted properly
React Shopping Cart
Shopping Cart Flow
Navigate to React Shopping Cart
User should see the GitHub star button
Note down the count of the stars
Click on the GitHub star button
The user should see a new window
Click on the star button
User should see the sign-in page
Sign in and click the star button
Close the active tab
The number of stars should increase
Verify the number of products available message is the same as the number of the product available
Change the size to S
Repeat step 10
Mouse hover on the first product & verify the add to cart button has an amber background