Chapters covered in this course:
Chapter 0: Installation
In this chapter, we'll learn how to install JDK 11 and Eclipse. Then we are going to create a Maven Project and add the Selenium dependencies.
Chapter 1: First Script
We'll write our first test script and execute it using the Java main method. Before writing the script, we'll understand the WebDriver concept and how to download or update browser drivers. The chapter starts with a basic login test script.
Chapter 2: Close vs Quit
We'll explore the difference between the close() and quit() functions in Selenium WebDriver.
Chapter 3: System SetProperty
We'll learn what System.setProperty
means and whether it's mandatory.
Chapter 4: Maximize
We'll understand the syntax for maximizing the browser and the Java concept behind it.
Chapter 5: Inputs
We'll learn how to interact with different types of input fields.
Chapter 6: Buttons
We'll learn how to interact with various button elements.
Chapter 7: Drop-down
We'll learn how to handle different types of dropdowns.
Chapter 8: Alert
We'll learn how to interact with various alert popups.
Chapter 9: Frame
We'll learn how to handle different types of frames.
Chapter 10: UI Validation
We'll explore basic UI validation using Selenium.
Chapter 11: Window Handling
We'll learn how to work with multiple browser windows and tabs.
Chapter 12: Find Elements
We'll explore how to find multiple elements using Selenium.
Chapter 13: Web Table
We'll learn how to handle web tables in Selenium.
Chapter 14: Navigation
We'll explore how to navigate between pages using back, forward, and refresh.
Chapter 15: Implicit Wait
We'll learn how to use implicit wait and understand why it’s essential.
Chapter 16: Explicit Wait
We'll learn how to use explicit wait and why it's necessary.
Chapter 17: Actions
We'll explore the Actions class in Selenium and perform actions like drag and drop, mouse, and keyboard interactions.
Chapter 18: Title
We'll learn how to validate the page title.
Chapter 19: Page Object Model (POM)
We'll understand what POM (Page Object Model) is and how to use it.
Chapter 20: Page Factory
We'll explore Page Factory and how it simplifies Selenium test scripts.
Chapter 21: Using a Base Class
Throughout the course, we created a base class—let's see how to use it effectively in Selenium.
Chapter 22: Conclusion
🎉 Congratulations! You’ve learned Selenium. What’s next?
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